A good chief marketing officer will be
willing to take creative risks if they have the potential to enhance a brand’s
image, generate positive publicity and increase profits. Daring to be different
can be nerve wracking and may unsettle internal stakeholders, but the rewards
can be significant.
Friday, 2 August 2013
Addressing the Mobile Web During Search Engine Optimization
Posted on 02:44 by Unknown
With the
dramatic increase of people using smartphone, tablets, and other mobile devices
to access the web, and perform online searches, online marketing must cater to
the mobile web just as much as it addresses desktop computers. If people are
searching for your webpage, or your business, from a mobile phone, how does
your page rank in the mobile search results?
How Search Engines Approach Desktop
Version of Websites
Utilising Twitter for PR Purposes
Posted on 01:16 by Unknown
As one of the prominent online networking
tools used by professionals, Twitter is a valuable resource for the PRindustry.
It offers a range of opportunities for communicating with journalists and bloggers,who
mightotherwise be difficult to reach.Here are some tips for businesses to
effectively use Twitter
to help meet PR objectives:
Saturday, 29 June 2013
Thursday, 27 June 2013
How to get traffic from Facebook
Posted on 04:51 by Unknown

Tuesday, 25 June 2013
How To Get Traffic from YouTube
Posted on 07:49 by Unknown

Thursday, 20 June 2013
How to Use Guest Posts for Backlinks and Promotion
Posted on 19:54 by Unknown

How You Can Benefit from Guest Posts
Basically, the benefits from guest posts are two. First, you get free exposure in front o
Posted in backlinks method, guest posts, local seo, seo book, seo for beginners, seo tips, seo tutorial, seo updates, seo world, what is seo
No comments
Tuesday, 18 June 2013
How to Make Money with Google Adsense
Posted on 23:30 by Unknown
Google Adsense is one of the best ways to make money from your site. You might not become a millionaire with your Adsense monetized properties but with some luck, and above all knowledge about what works with Adsense sites and what doesn't, this could become a stable source of income for you.
How Much Can I Make With Google Adsense?

This is a question almost everybody asks before jumping on the Adsense wagon. There isn't a universal answer – some Web masters are making a fulltime income from a single Adsense site, while others with 5 or more sites can't even cover their hosting fees.
How much you will make with Google Adsense depends on many factors. Some of them are outside your control - i.e. the overall state of the economy or what advertisers Google has managed to attract. However, there are also many factors within your control. For instance, obviously, if you have one site with 10 pages only you will make thousands of times less than if you have 10 sites with thousands of pages. Basically, all equal, the more content you have, the more you will make.
1 Choose a Profitable Niche
Friday, 14 June 2013
Google Indexing Criteria
Posted on 00:42 by Unknown
When it comes to search, Google is, hands down, the king! Google is now much more than a household name, and everyone, who is just about anyone, knows about Google and has used Google. Indeed, Google get more than 3 billion (yes, billion with a ‘B’!) unique search queries in a single day!
It is hence quite obvious from a website-owner’s perspective to do well on Google. This actually means ranking on top of the SERPs for all your keywords, or in simple terms, ranking as high up as possible – ideally on the first couple of pages – on Google.
Websites which adopt and adhere to what Google defines as ‘best practices’ generally tend do to very well, especially after last year’s update to Google’s search engine indexing algorithm, dubbed the ‘Google Panda’. These websites are industry leaders in terms of high SERPs, as well as how quickly their pages get indexed (or added to Google’s directory).
So what exactly are some of the best practices you can adopt in order to rank high up the SERP, and have the pages and posts in your website or blog get indexed within seconds? The following is a list of Google’s search engine indexing criteria, with most of the information coming straight from Google’s Webmaster Guidelines, as well as from my own experience as an SEO.
1. Website Design
A few important pointers about your website’s design:
- Hierarchy is important. Google’s webmaster guidelines clearly state that a site should have a clear hierarchy on your website, and that it should be organized into different sections, or pages.
- All pages should be properly named. Furthermore, every page should be reachable from at least one static link on your website.
- All tabs, buttons and items on your website should have proper title attributes, however these should be short and precise.
- Sitemaps are important
2. Website Content
A few content guidelines to consider for your website:
- The content of the website should be useful, informative, unique, not copied or spun or duplicate content. Avoiding duplication in content and pages is important. ‘Unique’ content is the key word here.
- It is imperative that all posts are accompanied with complete and full title and meta description, as this is what Google looks for.
- The content on the website should be there with the aim of providing users with information, rather than with the intention of attaining better search engine ranking. For instance even if you’re running an affiliate business, Google says that your site should provide value, and should have unique content.
- Refrain from putting too many links on any single page or post, and especially avoid putting too many links pointing to the same page.
- Make sure to include your keyword(s) as often as possible in your pages and posts. Your keyword(s) would ideally be words or phrases that people would search for in Google to reach your website.
- Make sure there are no broken links anywhere on your website. Check across your website for this – pages, posts , everywhere! Use tools for this purpose.
- Optimize images for Google as well – properly name your images, for starters. Add caption and description for any and all images on your website under the ‘Alt’ attribute. Make sure to include your keyword(s) here as well, at least once.
3. Website Quality
- Ask yourself one simple question: “would I be doing this if search engines didn’t exist?”
- Once again, design your pages, post, content and your website in general with the purpose of providing useful and quality information to visitors, rather than attaining better search engine rankings.
- Refrain from ‘cloaking’ – a technique whereby you would give different content to search engines than what you’re giving to your users.
- Link schemes should generally be avoided, and it can be particularly harmful for your website if you start getting linked from low-quality or spam websites. This can usually result in your website falling down the rankings or getting completely de-indexed by Google.
- Here’s one that should be pretty obvious: refrain from having malicious content on your website – trojans, viruses, adware, phishing content or any other malware.
4. Stuff that Google Probably Won’t Tell You (At least Directly)
- Inbound links matter. If you’re getting inbound links from websites an’/or blogs that are already very high up Google’s rankings (known as high-PR or high-authority links), you will probably see yourself climb up Google’s rankings pretty quickly. High-PR or authority websites include social networks such as Facebook.
- Google asks you to stay away from link exchange programs, but these are usually a good way to get your website indexed quickly. Just make sure to be smart about it – choose your partners carefully, and check if your sources of referral traffic are legit. But don’t build backlinks too fast.
- Link diversity is important. Getting inbound links from different places like blogs, websites, reviews, forums, videos, images, etc. and from a diverse geographic location set counts as well.
- Maintain a 2-5% keyword density in your content – this means that every hundred words on your website should mention your keyword at least a minimum of 2 times and a maximum of 5.
Concluding Words
So that just a few pointers on what to do (and what not to do) with your website in order to have it indexed by Google and indexed quickly, for that matter. Both on-site and off-site factors matter and are taken into account by Google to determine where your website ends up on the SERPs.
Once you think your website adheres to the best practices defined by Google, you can submit it to Google for indexing.
Also Read:
- 6 Essential Viral Marketing Strategies
- SEO Client Problems and How to Deal With Them
- The Three Pillars Of SEO In 2013: Content, Links, And Social Media
- How to Create an Effective Google AdWords Campaign
- High PageRank (PR) Social Bookmarking Sites
- How to Recover from Google Panda Effect
- Negative SEO: Myths and Facts You Should Be Aware Of
- How to Make Money Blogging
- Matt Cutts: SEO Needs To Focus On Helping Users Not Link Building
- Importance of Social Media in SEO
- Have Google's Panda and Penguin Replaced SEO With Social, PR and Content, or a New Type of Savvy Marketing?
- On Page SEO Guide – How To Rank Higher And Get More Traffic
- 20 Ways to Get More Website Traffic This Year (Ethically!)
- 6 Ways SEO Will Change in 2013
Posted in google indexing, seo, seo book, seo for beginners, seo tips, seo tutorial, seo updates, seo world, what is seo
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Wednesday, 12 June 2013
6 Essential Viral Marketing Strategies
Posted on 23:13 by Unknown
What is Viral Marketing?
Viral marketing strategies involve the spread of content, in a way that is similar to how a virus spreads – quickly, while infecting many people. Viral marketing gives the potential power, to just about anyone – be it an individual or an organization, to quickly spread their content among a lot of people. Often times, we end up seeing Youtube videos of people’s pets, babies or something else, that have thousands of views, if not millions.
Social mediums such as Facebook, Twitter and Youtube are synonymous with any viral marketing strategy, and form the basis of viral marketing. Other important aspects in viral marketing include the messenger(s), the content and the timing.
Viral Marketing and SEO
While much of the viral content might be about something interesting that was captured at the right time and place, perhaps due to coincidence or because of sheer luck, and hence might have unintentionally gone viral, a lot of content is being created with the sole purpose of going viral and as part of a wider SEO strategy.
There is simply no denying that going viral almost guarantees a large influx of visitors and traffic to the original source. It can therefore be an excellent and an effect marketing and SEO strategy. Imagine if one of your videos were to go viral, gaining worldwide attention, being featured on a talk-show or being shared millions of times, ending up getting you all sorts of traffic from all sorts of high-PR and authority sources!
‘Kony2012’ would be an apt example here.
Why Viral?
For starters, going viral gives the potential to target thousands of potential customers and potential audience. That precisely is the aim of every SEO strategy, isn’t it: getting targeted traffic. That is exactly what viral marketing does for you; pull in highly-targeted traffic, in large numbers, in a short span of time.
Spreading the word could also come with added advantages from a SEO-perspective such as increased traffic (as explained above), an increased Click-Through Rate (CTR) and Call-To Action (CTA), and a higher conversion rate.
Viral Marketing Strategies
So what exactly can one do to ‘go viral’? As stated above, all three factors, namely the content, the messengers and the timing is extremely important to an effective viral marketing strategy. But here is a six-step viral marketing strategy that could work for you:
- Give stuff for free – freebies, giveaways and promotions which give away stuff for free are a good way to have your content go viral and therefore a guaranteed method of attracting visitors and customers. This could include giving out a free product like a WordPress plugin or an app or even a free domain name or hosting space. Alternatively, offer a service such as a free personal consultation or a coaching session. Do this periodically.
- Give people permission to re-use your content – whether its images, a video, an article or anything else, giving people the permission to re-use it, share it or reprint it on blogs, websites, social mediums, magazines, their own videos or anywhere else is usually a good way to go viral. Just make sure to add a disclaimer that says that this is free to reproduce as long as the person who does that credits the original uploader/creator.
- Offer people an incentive – as easy as it is for someone to click on that share button, why would he or she do it? Offer an incentive so that people are forced to share. Ask people to share, like, retweet, +1, or pin your content. Add a ‘recommend to a friend’ box within your app or plugin. And in return, offer them something extra. Every 5 referrals, or every 50 shares earns you an eBook worth $10 free of cost. Dropbox, the popular cloud-storage software, does this to great effect, by offering additional storage on every referral. You could also do a contest by offering a big prize to anyone who shares your content the most.
- Be funny, use humor – Being funny and humorous is usually a sure-fire way of going viral. This is why we see images like ‘internet memes’ shared by a lot of friends, and Youtube videos showing people and animals doing funny stuff with a very high number of views.
- Choose multiple forms of media – go for videos, images, press releases, and podcasts.
- Choosing who to target – in order for your content to spread like wildfire, you need to ensure that as many people as possible hear about it. Post it on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, GooglePlus, Pinterest, and LinkedIn. Submit it on content submission directories like StumbleUpon and Reddit. The more places you put your content on, the merrier. Having your content on multiple mediums not only gives it more chances of exposure, it also increases its chances of being picked up and plugged by someone with a high social networking potential (or SNP).
Being Prepared for an Influx of Traffic
It is vital to know that going viral would probably mean a large influx of visitors and traffic to your blog. Make sure your hosting package will be able to handle that sort of traffic and/or sales. Being prepared usually pays off in the long run.
Optimizing for Conversions
This is not limited to just viral marketing, but also applies to it, as it would apply to any other marketing strategy. All your marketing efforts should be optimized for conversions. Your viral marketing efforts need to have a clear and precise call-to-action – whether it’s to have your viewers like your Facebook page, subscribe to your blog, purchase an item or perform any other action.
Network Marketing
At first glance, this might seem like a completely new and unfamiliar term to you; however network marketing is essentially another word for viral marketing. Network marketing simply refers to networking with people through different online and offline mediums. Connecting with people, especially emotionally, and building contacts is an important aspect of viral marketing. A human being, by nature, is a social animal – use this to your advantage to attain more exposure, traffic and revenue streams.
Concluding Words
Suggestions? Would you like to add something? Leave your comments in the comment section!
Also Read:
- SEO Client Problems and How to Deal With Them
- The Three Pillars Of SEO In 2013: Content, Links, And Social Media
- How to Create an Effective Google AdWords Campaign
- High PageRank (PR) Social Bookmarking Sites
- How to Recover from Google Panda Effect
- Negative SEO: Myths and Facts You Should Be Aware Of
- How to Make Money Blogging
- Matt Cutts: SEO Needs To Focus On Helping Users Not Link Building
- Importance of Social Media in SEO
- Have Google's Panda and Penguin Replaced SEO With Social, PR and Content, or a New Type of Savvy Marketing?
- On Page SEO Guide – How To Rank Higher And Get More Traffic
- 20 Ways to Get More Website Traffic This Year (Ethically!)
- 6 Ways SEO Will Change in 2013
- Penguin 2.0 SEO Update - Google Updates Things Again!
- Top 21 SEO Tips and Tricks to Follow in 2013
- Difference between Google Panda and Google Penguin
- 7 SEO Tasks to Complete Before Even Thinking about Hiring an Agency
- 5 Devastating Local SEO Mistakes—and How to Avoid Them
Posted in local seo, seo, seo book, seo for beginners, seo marketing, seo tips, seo updates, viral marketing, website seo, what is seo
No comments
Tuesday, 11 June 2013
SEO Client Problems and How to Deal With Them
Posted on 01:36 by Unknown
It is usually unintentional but ultimately unavoidable when things go south and not-as-planned during search engine optimization for a client. This especially becomes a problem when you are either behind schedule, have a client who is finding it hard to understand how SEO works, or have seen your website get penalized because of search engine algorithm changes.
Dealing with SEO clients is often considered to be much more difficult than all the SEO work itself. SEO firms, or any other organization for that matter, might often come across and be forced to deal with what are generally known to be ‘difficult’ clients.
As a result, situations may arise which give way to conflict, disagreements and tensions.
Here are 5 common types of problems that I have personally seen SEOs face when dealing with clients:
- Clients fail to understand the work involved and are impatient– especially those who might be new to the concept of search engine optimization. This usually results in clients having unrealistic and often inflated expectations about SEO, especially the scope of work involved. Having unrealistic expectation about SEO is all-too-common, where clients will expect to be ranked no.1 on Google and start getting ten-fold traffic within days.
- Clients understand the work involved a little too well – yes, we’ve all come across those perfectionist clients, who claim to know about SEO, more than you or anyone else. These clients then demand that whatever they say be followed, instead of letting you do your work like you should.
- Clients fail to gauge ‘success’ properly – and automatically assume that success in SEO only means ending up as being the first result on the first page of Google. Yes, SEO is about rankings, but clients are unaware that rankings themselves are dependent on a whole host of internal and external factors. The same also applies to traffic. Getting a large volume to traffic is easy, however getting targeted traffic which results in conversion, a high CTR and a high-revenue is what matters.
- SEOs fail to stick to deadlines, try blacklisted SEO methods and get caught, or a change in search engine algorithm renders their SEO useless.
- The client fails to do as said – most often because of communication issues and barriers. People are busy – clients are busy with their businesses and SEO, as anyone reading this would be well-aware is in itself an extremely time-consuming task, what with all sorts of link-building, working with code, and the whole shebang. Moreover, often times clients are working with multiple SEO consultants or firms, and something recommended by one could potentially conflict with another consultant’s recommendations. Communicating over email when you should’ve called, for instance, or not getting your point across properly results in communication problems.
There are many things you can do to avoid any problems or difficult situations from arising in the first place. However when things do take a turn for the worst, there are ways in which you can deal with your SEO clients and come out of the battle unscathed, with your reputation and relationship with the client intact.
- Be professional – be a pro and prepare a complete scope-of-work and a detailed schedule, with deadlines, contingencies, a plan B, as well as budget and resource details. Use project management software for the purpose. Not only will this give a good impression, it will help avoid many of the problems described above, during the course of the project.
- Be realistic – being realistic from the get-go, with your work, and your client’s expectation, could turn out to be a potential life-saver in the long-run.
- Be honest – work on the project together as a team, and that really is the best bit of advice I can give you here. It might be easier said than done, but it is important to remember at all times that you and your clients are one team and should act like one.
- Avoid finger-pointing – If a problem was your fault, you will need to man up and take full responsibility, while making sure that…
- …You work towards the solution – especially in terms of (a) what exactly you did with respect to damage control, and coming up with a fix, and (b) what preventive measure have you taken to ensure it doesn’t happen again.
- If the problem was on the client’s end or something totally out of your control (an algorithm update, for instance), be upfront about it as well, so it can be rectified and fixed, if possible.
- Avoid going into denial – because simply put, it won’t do anyone any good at this stage of time. Make sure that you put all your energies, resources and focus on the solution and fix. And make sure the client knows this and is on the same page as well.
- Providing explanation – Selective information or full-disclosure, your call – if you think going into the specifics of the problem won’t do any good and perhaps quite possibly might even be harmful, don’t go there.
- Be solution oriented – if I was an SEO client, this is what I’d be the most interested in. Prove your worth by showing that you are a solution-oriented individual or organization. Speak with your peers, do your research and devise a solution to the problem for your client.
- The Three Pillars Of SEO In 2013: Content, Links, And Social Media
- How to Create an Effective Google AdWords Campaign
- High PageRank (PR) Social Bookmarking Sites
- How to Recover from Google Panda Effect
- Negative SEO: Myths and Facts You Should Be Aware Of
- How to Make Money Blogging
- Matt Cutts: SEO Needs To Focus On Helping Users Not Link Building
- Importance of Social Media in SEO
- Have Google's Panda and Penguin Replaced SEO With Social, PR and Content, or a New Type of Savvy Marketing?
- On Page SEO Guide – How To Rank Higher And Get More Traffic
- 20 Ways to Get More Website Traffic This Year (Ethically!)
- 6 Ways SEO Will Change in 2013
Monday, 10 June 2013
The Three Pillars Of SEO In 2013: Content, Links, And Social Media
Posted on 04:26 by Unknown
A good SEO strategy
is the difference between your business easily being found online and
getting lost in the noise of thousands of other businesses trying to
stand out. With Google’s ever-changing algorithm, it can be difficult to
know what’s effective here and now.
Content (Pillar #1): Make The Most of What’s On Your Pages
The first pillar of an effective SEO strategy is your onsite content and structure. From the way you organize your site to how you optimize your content, there are five key aspects that will ensure that your content is doing its job. A strong on-site SEO plan includes keyword research, content optimization, user experience, site design, and the presence of a blog with great content that’s updated frequently. Let’s take a closer look at each one.
Keyword research: The foundation of your SEO strategy is keyword research. The concept is simple: you can only optimize your site once you know how your target market searches for the products/services you have to offer. Google’s Keyword Tool is designed to help advertisers in the Adwords Program target effective keywords for their paid advertisements. But it’s a free, robust tool that can be used by website owners that want to better understand the range of keywords people are using to get to their site. Try these three strategies to get started:
- Brainstorm a list of phrases related to your business, brand, products, industry, location, and customers. Once you’ve developed that list, enter each of these words into the Google Keyword Tool to see what related terms are recommended by Google. Google’s suggestions will greatly expand your keyword list. Pay attention to long-tail keywords (e.g. “apartments in West Hollywood near beach” vs. “Hollywood”). They’re easier to rank for and just as important as your major keywords.
- Enter your site URL into the website box in the Google Keyword Tool. It will scan your site, and come back with a list of recommended terms that you are currently ranking for or could target. Many of these suggested terms are will be great keywords for your site.
- Create a list of competitor sites and enter each of those URLs into the Keyword Tool. Your competitors may be ranking well for specific terms that you hadn’t thought about. While you never want to directly copy a competitors’ keyword strategy, it can often inform your approach and round out options you hadn’t thought of yet.
Content optimization: Once you’ve researched your keywords, you’ll need to optimize your content for those terms. Content optimization is not about stuffing keywords into every available opportunity or even meeting a specific formula of “keywords must appear X times per 500 words”. Instead, just remember to include your primary keyword is included in your article title and meta tags. Remember that each page (or unique URL) represents an individual piece of content that can be optimized for different, specific phrases and conversion goals.
User experience (UX): User experience is simply a way of encapsulating the question: when people visit your site, are they able to quickly and efficiently do what they want? For example, if they’re trying to make a purchase or find specific information, is it easy to locate the menu or complete the task? If the answer is no, it may be hurting your search rankings.
One easy way to figure out if your user experience needs to be improved is to look at your bounce rate on Google Analytics. A bounce is a visitor that leaves your site without visiting more than a single page. If a high percentage of people are bouncing from your site, you may be ranking for irrelevant terms or your site design may be too complicated. Ask yourself what people are trying to accomplish, and look at ways you can make that easier.
Initial things to look at are making sure your navigation is easy to use, that your site design is as clean and uncluttered as possible, and that big actions are highlighted in clear and effective ways. Consider hiring a professional UX designer to help you evaluate your site if you’re having trouble breaking through on this point. It’s possible to design your site in such a way that you not only achieve optimal SEO, but also optimal conversion rates.
Site design: Is your site design clean and professional? There’s an assumption, by both search engines and visitors, that a site that looks spammy is spammy. If you’re trying to build an authority site but are working on a highly out of date design, consider upgrading to a simple website on WordPress. WordPress is an easy to use content management system with many excellent designs (called templates) available for free. Premium templates range anywhere from $20 to a few hundred dollars, and allow you to specifically customize your site. Some of the best templates can compete with world-class designs.
Regularly updated blog: Since Google’s Freshness Update, there’s a ranking premium for sites that are regularly getting new content. The easiest way to do this is through the addition of a blog. By regularly adding articles that are valuable for your readers – from timely pieces that comment on trends and news to evergreen pieces like how-to’s or product reviews – you’ll build your authority and improve your search rankings.
Another benefit of regularly blogging is that it quickly builds the amount of content that you can rank for in the search engines. A well-developed strategy can help you target many of your keywords through ongoing blog development. Think of each blog post as another raffle ticket you throw in the hat for being listed in search engine results pages.
Inbound Links (Pillar #2): The Infrastructure of Connections
Links give Google one very important signal: another site or reader found material on your webpage valuable and relevant enough for them to link to it. The more links you get, the more valuable your content is deemed to be by search engines. More likes also builds trust and authority, causing your pages to rank higher, driving more traffic.
In the past, link building was a numbers game. Links came from simple tactics that included listing your site in a bunch of directories, linking to your site from comments on blogs, and other transactions that focused more on having someone dedicate the time to “link building” than actually focusing on creating value for readers.
Today, link building is still critically important, but there’s more pressure to build high quality links. Sites that you’re linking from need to be reputable and relevant to your industry. Here are some strategies to build links that also build your brand and authority in your niche.
Guest blogging: There’s an increased focus today on guest blogging as site owners look for organic ways to build links. Guest blogging is simple: you find and pitch an appropriate blog with an offer to write a post geared toward their audience. When you’re guest blogging, look for reputable blogs that are relevant to your industry and subject matter.
Press release distribution: Press releases are another way to build links to your site and help build brand recognition for your business. There are two keys for effective press release distribution. The first is to find a newsworthy story to write about in your release, or to find a relevant hook in the broader news landscape. For example, if you are a coach for administrative assistants looking for new opportunities and its Administrative Professionals Day, your press release is more likely to be widely picked up.
This syndication effect will help you build inbound links. It may also lead to valuable news coverage with publications running your story or reporters asking you to act as a source. The second piece of leveraging press releases is to use an effective press release distribution service. It doesn’t have to cost you hundreds of dollars. In fact, many are free. But make sure that whatever you choose is active and reputable. A popular choice is PRWeb.
Repackaging existing content: Building links to your site doesn’t require an army of writers constantly developing new content (although it certainly doesn’t hurt!). Instead, look at your existing content and see how it can be repackaged across platforms and mediums. Do you have a great, data-driven blog post? That could be the foundation of a fantastic and highly viral infographic. A case study or white paper could be paired with some simple imagery and turned into video content for YouTube and Vimeo. A newsletter distributed by email could be turned into guest posts or social media content.
Leverage real world connections into links: Are you sponsoring local events in your community, such as little league groups or a networking event? Perhaps you’re speaking at a conference or doing pro-bono consulting for a non-profit? Do you belong to any professional associations, speakers organizations, or civic groups? Many of the above opportunities will come with the chance to list yourself on their website, along with a bio or company description and a website link. Sit down and do an audit of these options – especially ones you may already be a part of and not using effectively. Circle back and have your site listed where possible, and be on the lookout for these opportunities in the future.
Sunday, 9 June 2013
How to Create an Effective Google AdWords Campaign
Posted on 09:36 by Unknown
Useful pay per click campaigns should be viewed as a
useful addition to a current, organic campaign rather than something
that stands on its own with no support. In other words, relying solely
on pay per click campaigns to drive traffic to your website has the
ability to siphon your marketing budget in quick time!
But what if you need customers and you need them now?
Here's how to create an effective Google AdWords campaign that won't
get your accountant off side. But first, a quick look at the benefits of
what an AdWords campaign brings to the table:
Saturday, 8 June 2013
High PageRank (PR) Social Bookmarking Sites
Posted on 01:06 by Unknown
Why are High PR sites important for backlinks?
Answer: Backlinks are important for the PR of your page as it helps search engines identify that your site is something valuable because other sites are linking to it. And if the linking is from a site with high PR, then the backlink itself becomes more important owing to the fact that an evolved site got connected to your content.
Are High PR Social Bookmarking sites equally valuable?
Answer: Yes, Social bookmarking sites are also equally valuable for creating backlinks like any other High PR websites.
How to get traffic via High PR social bookmarking sites?
Answer: This is the trick part. All kinds of submissions do not receive the same response from the audience. These social bookmarking websites have a dedicated group of people who visit these websites for finding the type of content they like. Funny and intriguing contents are generally more likeable by the people. But above all is quality that you need to maintain in all your submission to the site and traffic will start flowing with time.
Is it necessary to submit the site’s content for backlink to a bookmarking site in the same niche as the site itself?
Answer: Yes, a backlink is always considered more valuable if it is from a site that is in the same niche as your site. But finding a social bookmarking site in different niches can be a daunting task and to be true, there aren’t many such sites. But most of the sites provide subcategories in different niches that you can submit your site too.
List of High PR Social Bookmarking Sites for Backlinks and Traffic::-
PageRank (PR) 8
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