Penguin 2.0 SEO Update - Google Updates Things Again! ~ What is Seo-Seo World Updates

Friday, 31 May 2013

Penguin 2.0 SEO Update - Google Updates Things Again!

So, the news is out – the Google update being named as Penguin 2.0 has been rolled out. In this blog post, let me give you some background to Penguin and tips on how you can cope with it to make sure your site doesn’t suffer.
Yesterday, Matt Cutts, head of webspam at Google announced on his blog:
“We started rolling out the next generation of the Penguin webspam algorithm this afternoon (May 22, 2013), and the rollout is now complete. About 2.3% of English-US queries are affected to the degree that a regular user might notice. The change has also finished rolling out for other languages world-wide. The scope of Penguin varies by language, e.g. languages with more webspam will see more impact.
This is the fourth Penguin-related launch Google has done, but because this is an updated algorithm (not just a data refresh), we’ve been referring to this change as Penguin 2.0 internally.” 
What does Penguin 2.0 mean for you?
If you are following the guidelines set by Google with regards to their steps they outline about rewarding high quality sites, the clues are all there. Build your site into a clear AUTHORITY for the niche or industry you are in, look to encourage bookmarking and SOCIAL SHARING of your content and look to AVOID WEBSPAM techniques to automate 1000’s of links being added to the internet pointing to your site.
Ranking results achieved by clients of HodgesNet will have seen in our monthly reporting, positions of their sites fluctuate in the results pages in recent months due to the many updates that Google are rolling out, but the majority of sites are seeing that the content-led and content outreach focussed SEO strategies have seen an increase in referral traffic and rankings increase.
We are still monitoring the changes to this update from yesterday, but we anticipate that the white-hat techniques and content-led strategies will not affect sites that we are working on in a negative way. From reports, the number of search queries affected by the Penguin updates since it’s birth have been:
- Penguin update 1 on April 24, 2012 (impacting ~3.1% of queries)
- Penguin update 2 on May 26, 2012 (impacting less than 0.1%)
- Penguin update 3 on October 5, 2012 (impacting ~0.3% of queries)
- Penguin update 4 (Penguin 2.0) on May 22, 2013 (impacting 2.3% of queries)
This shows that the latest round of updates is affecting quote a large number of search queries. It will be interesting to see how this affect low quality sites with poor content.
How do you ensure you are doing things in line with the Penguin 2.0 update?
Here are 7 things to make sure you are active in doing:
1 - Get your on-page content nailed down and perfect so that each page is relevant to one search term or keyword. 
2 - Add fresh regular content (blogging) on your site every week to become a source of knowledge and authority in your niche and industry.
3 - Curate content from other site such as YouTube and news sites by including content and embedding video to make your blog article more interesting.
4 - Have social sharing and social bookmarking buttons on your pages and blog posts to make it easy for your website visitors to share your awesome content.
5 - Reach out to relevant blogs and other authority sites to provide them with content for their audience in return for a link back to your site.
6 - List your website in niche and industry specific directories.
7 - Write and publish articles and online PR for greater reach.